Life in 1908: A Snapshot of the US the Last Time the Cubs Won the World Series

Life in 1908: A Snapshot of the US the Last Time the Cubs Won the World Series

By on Nov 05 2016

Just about everyone has been talking about the Cubs finally winning the World Series.

And with good reason, too--the last time they won was 1908. That's 108 years.

A century (and some change) is a really long time considering how much things have changed since the 20th century. Think about all that has changed in the last ten years driverless cars, consumer-available 3D printers, iPhones, social media ...

Suffice it to say, a lot has happened in between the Cubs' World Series wins. For instance, radio and TV were invented; Haley's comet passed earth twice; man landed on the moon (or didn't, according to conspiracy theorists); Wrigley Field was built (and has since become the oldest park in the National League); and flag poles at Wrigley Field erected to hold future World Series pennants rusted and were taken down. Not to mention the Curse of the Billy Goat which was placed on the Cubs in 1945 and now ended in 2016.

To celebrate this historic victory, we're taking a blast to the past and looking at the world through the eyes of the 1908 World Series Champions:

Life in 1908

Let's see how much the world changes the next time the Cubs win

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