The Skinny On Pop-Up Valves

The Skinny On Pop-Up Valves

By on Jul 03 2014

Routine maintenance on your Clemco Blast Pot is essential if you are looking to get maximum out of your machine. —Normal Wear " items need to be inspected and replaced, if needed, with Genuine Clemco Replacement parts. Everything from your blast hose, nozzles, valves and gaskets should be checked periodically to ensure you are getting the maximum performance out of your blast pot. Today we are going to cover the Pop-Up valve since we have been fielding a lot of questions on this particular part. The Pop-Up Valve is located in the center of the pot where the media is put in. One of the first signs you will see when you have a bad Pop-Up Valve is noticeable decrease in blast pressure. A decrease in blast pressure could mean the Pop-Up Valve is not sealing correctly and pressure is escaping the pot. Choosing the correct Pop-Up Valve replacement can be a little tricky since there are several different styles depending on the size pot you have and the date it was manufactured. I will start with the smallest of the Pop-Up Valves, part #01242. This Pop-Up Valve will fit the 10 " Diameter Blast Pot with a 2 " head opening for the valve to pop into. Around the underside of the opening there will be a Pop-Up Valve Seat. For the 10 " diameter pot the Pop-Up Valve Seat is Part #01245. Changing both the valve and the valve seat is recommended to ensure proper sealing. The next size Pop-Up Valve will fit the 14 " through 36 " diameter blast machines. This valve will pop into a 4 " head opening in the center of the pot. This one gets a little tricky however since the manufacturer did 2 different style Pop-Up Valves. 14 " through 36 "diameter Blast Machines manufactured before June of 1983 have a Pop-Up Valve with a — " steel stem that rides into a 1 " internal pipe. Part #02321. 14' through 36 " Blast Machines built after June 1983 have a Pop-Up Valve with an aluminum sleeve that rides along the outside of 1-1/4 " steel pipe within the machine. Part #03699. Both of these valves use the same Pop-Up Valve seat but there are 2 to choose from. A rubber Pop-Up valve seat (part #02325), or a Neoprene Pop-Up Valve Seat (part #02380). The neoprene seat is recommended for use in humid climates. The larger 10 cubic foot blast pots with a 5-1/2 " head opening also has 2 different Pop-Up Valves. 10 Cubic Foot machines built before June 1983 have a Pop-Up Valve with a — " steel stem that rides inside of the 1 " internal pipe. Part #02375. 10 Cubic foot Blast Machines manufactured between June 1983 and December 1985 will have a Pop-Up Valve with an aluminum sleeve that fits over an 1-1/4 " internal pipe. Part #03689. Both of these valves use the same Pop-Up Valve Seat, part #02343. Big Clem Blast Machines will have an 8 " head opening and use and 8 " Pop-Up Valve with Stem, part #05643. The Pop-Up Valve Seat for the Big Clem is part #05641. If you are ever in doubt of what you are looking for the friendly and knowledgeable staff at The PSC Online Stores is on hand to assist you in identifying the correct parts for your blast machine.

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