Tips For Chain Saw Maintenance

Tips For Chain Saw Maintenance

By on Jul 20 2013

Proper chain saw maintenance is vitally important for your safety and the life of your machine. Here is a list of some helpful tips to keep things running smoothly.

1. Keep your chain sharp (A dull chain could mean accidents)

2. Have sharpened replacement chains on hand

3. Make sure sawdust and buildup are not collecting in the chain

5. Clean the air and fuel filter frequently

6. Check your chain oil and fill as needed

7. Make sure everything is staying tight on the device (nuts, bolts, screws)

8. Clean and adjust your spark plugs and carburetor when needed

9. During storage periods drain the fuel lines and oil

10. Clean well before storage and leave the chain in a sealed oil filled container

We hope these tips are helpful and always operate safely.

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