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By the 2020s, we may be able to mine asteroids for rocket fuels and precious metals
By the 2020s, we may be able to mine asteroids for rocket fuels and precious metals
Petroleum Service Company on Nov 07 2016

Getting into the mining business for coal and metallic minerals in 2016 may seem like a fruitless bu…
Life in 1908: A Snapshot of the US the Last Time the Cubs Won the World Series
Life in 1908: A Snapshot of the US the Last Time the Cubs Won the World Series
Petroleum Service Company on Nov 05 2016

Just about everyone has been talking about the Cubs finally winning the World Series. And with g…
The Consequences of Global Energy Poverty
The Consequences of Global Energy Poverty
Petroleum Service Company on Nov 02 2016

"Access to energy is fundamental to improving quality of life and is a key imperative for economic d…
Without OIL, we can NEVER hope to reach 100% renewable energy.
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 31 2016

The movement towards —environmentally-friendly " energy resources (definitively amplified in Preside…
Understanding the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests
Understanding the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 28 2016

As of Friday, October 28, police have arrested at least 141 people protesting on private land regard…
Petroleum Product of the Week: Halloween Edition
Petroleum Product of the Week: Halloween Edition
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 28 2016

When you think of Halloween, you're probably not thinking of petroleum. You think of candy, right? …
Petroleum Product of the Week
Huge shale discovery in West Texas may lead to a miniature US oil boom
Huge shale discovery in West Texas may lead to a miniature US oil boom
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 26 2016

It's been a long time since the Apache Corporation of Houston, Texas drilled its first oil well. …
Northeastern PA coal miners flourish in a dying market, "Coal will not recover" say economists
Northeastern PA coal miners flourish in a dying market, "Coal will not recover" say economists
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 25 2016

Here in Northeastern Pennsylvania, coal takes on a new meaning. For us, it's not just a seemingl…
Petroleum Product of the Week: Football Helmets
Petroleum Product of the Week: Football Helmets
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 21 2016

For the nearly $8 billion dollar business that is the NFL, so much of its yearly profit weighs heavi…

Bizrate 2023 Platinum Seven Time Winner