Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day Tribute

By on May 29 2017

"We do not know one promise these men made, one pledge they gave, one word they spoke; but we do know they summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue. "

- James A. Garfield May 30, 1868 Arlington National Cemetery

Memorial Day honors lives lost serving our country. It is a solemn day, commemorating the 1.8 million people who gave and lost their lives for the freedom America knows today.

The national tribute to fallen soldiers recognizes the admirable character and unparalleled sacrifice made, and it is important to reflect on this. A great way to show appreciation for fallen soldiers is to participate in a moment of silence on Memorial Day at 3:00 pm local time for one minute.

The moment of silence honors loved ones who were lost and allows us to give something back to our country. Red poppies can also be worn in remembrance.

The holiday is an opportunity to express the gratitude Americans have for people in all areas of the military. This weekend, Americans across the country will decorate graves with flowers and recite prayers for those lost.

We dedicate this day to praise those who have defended the founding ideals of democracy, and there are several parades and celebrations scheduled for this weekend. One of the oldest continuing ceremonies in the country takes place in Pennsylvania. The Gettysburg Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony will take place on May 29 and is held in the Rostrum in the Soldiers' National Cemetery.

Some southern states have an additional holiday to remember Confederate soldiers with celebrations on various days between January and June. These states include Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Tennessee.

Our identity as a nation is deeply informed by courage, strength, and integrity.

We at Petroleum Service Company want to sincerely thank all soldiers who have sacrificed themselves for others.

As a prominent figure in online petroleum sales, our passion for people who dedicated their lives to our country extends far beyond an industrial connection. We are linked to both active and inactive armed forces members, and the bravery they demonstrated is not far from home.

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