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Bloomberg News: a great source on the fluctuating world oil market
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 22 2013

Bloomberg has great reporting on the energy markets and we highly recommend using their service as a…
Engine Oil for Natural Gas Vehicles
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 19 2013

Check out this article from on two new releases from Phillips 66, Gaurdol NG and Kend…
A Fascinating Piece of WWII History: How Tectyl 511M Saved a Submarine
A Fascinating Piece of WWII History: How Tectyl 511M Saved a Submarine
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 15 2013

Tectyl 511M Salvages the Squalus Diesel Engines On May 23 rd, 1939, 26 men trapped in a sunken…
Welcome to A Petroleum Service
Welcome to A Petroleum Service
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 13 2013

A PETROLEUM SERVICE. There will always be questions about Petroleum products. From 88 years of dow…
Industrial Lubricants: Practical Methods to Go Green
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 23 2012

INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS: PRACTICAL METHODS TO GO GREENBusinesses search for eco-friendly and cost-savi…

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