Energy 101 For Kids & Grownups Too

Energy 101 For Kids & Grownups Too

By on Aug 23 2013

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA), has a great section devoted to teaching kids about energy. Actually it is a great refresher for adults as well because the site simply spells out everything from how petroleum was formed all the way through the refining process. It is a great resource because it explains to kids the incredible benefits of energy production and how the process allows for the operation of our everyday lives and well being, while acknowledging the environmental risks and stressing responsibility. The “how does oil impact the environment” section breaks down the different types of emissions and byproducts listing each components impacts. There is also mention of how reformulated fuels have led to cleaner burning gas and diesel.

It is interesting to recognize that this technology in lower footprint energy since the 1990’s has led to advancements in vegetable oil based lubricants from industry leaders like BlueSky Lubricants who now have an ultimately biodegradable series for farm equipment. To check out this great resource with your youngsters, Click Here.

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