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The Stacking Dilemma: What Do You Do With Not-In-Service Oil Rigs?
The Stacking Dilemma: What Do You Do With Not-In-Service Oil Rigs?
Petroleum Service Company on Sep 27 2016

Understanding the oil industry isn't exactly easy--for starters, nobody even knows exactly…
Rigs to Reefs: Mitigating Human Impact on the Environment
Petroleum Service Company on Apr 05 2016

We've got the whole world in our hands Humans shape the environment that we live in. It's plain …
The World's Largest Ship That Can Move Oil Rigs
The World's Largest Ship That Can Move Oil Rigs
Petroleum Service Company on Jan 31 2015

Move over Titanic. There's a new supersize ship making waves that everybody should soon become famil…

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