High Mileage and heavily-used vehicles inevitably require more attention and care than a brand new car, SUV, or truck. As engines age, they are subject to increased wear. Moreover, the internal seals and gaskets may become brittle and weak, potentially leading to the contamination of oil, oil leaks, or inefficient oil burning.
High mileage passenger car motor oils are specially formulated with unique additives and special conditioners that may rejuvenate worn engines - this, in turn, may slow down the aging process for your engine. As the internal components of older engines continually wear, they will benefit greatly from oils with higher film strengths and viscosities to better eliminate the risk of metal-to-metal contact.
Though these oils may help to boost your fuel economy, high mileage is actually referring to the amount of miles already put on an engine. Gasoline-fueled vehicles with more than 75,000 miles are more prone to sludge buildup and wear and as such require certain additive technologies to deal with the issues before they become a more severe problem.
Though these high mileage oils have similar additives to regular engine oils and deal with similar engine issues, there is a much greater difference in performance and application. Don't be fooled by the lofty claims of cheap oils: If your vehicle has over 75,000 miles on it, make the extra investment and take advantage of the benefits High Mileage Engine Oils provide.