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Can a Car Corrode in Space?
Can a Car Corrode in Space?
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 21 2018

A car in space is out of this world SpaceX's recent Falcon Heavy rocket launch has given us plen…
For the Love of Human Ingenuity: Understanding the Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894
For the Love of Human Ingenuity: Understanding the Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894
Petroleum Service Company on Sep 15 2016

Once upon a time we wrote about the whale oil myth the mythical notion that due to the free market/…
How nanorobotics seek to extend the human life-span.
How nanorobotics seek to extend the human life-span.
Petroleum Service Company on Aug 15 2016

The field of study is known as nanorobotics. Science-fiction authors have long theorized the pot…
Why "Tesla Motors" isn't called "Edison Motors
Why "Tesla Motors" isn't called "Edison Motors
Petroleum Service Company on Jul 05 2016

The great debate of DC vs AC power has raged on for over a century. — Google it — you're certai…
Tesla/SpaceX CEO Elon Musk Walked Across A Flying Biplane
Tesla/SpaceX CEO Elon Musk Walked Across A Flying Biplane
Petroleum Service Company on Aug 10 2015

Elon Musk, the man behind Tesla Motors and SpaceX, and his wife, actress Talulah Riley, both tapped …

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