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Polyethylene Balloons Keep an Eye on Hurricanes
Polyethylene Balloons Keep an Eye on Hurricanes
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 26 2017

On a day-to-day basis, it's nearly impossible to avoid coming in contact with polyethylene. The most…
Petroleum Product of the Week: High Heels
Petroleum Product of the Week: High Heels
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 23 2017

Long before powerful television policewomen were hitting the streets in surprisingly high heels whil…
Petroleum Product of the Week
Could a Nylon Parachute Deliver Your Amazon Order?
Could a Nylon Parachute Deliver Your Amazon Order?
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 21 2017

What do parachutist Adeline Gray and Amazon have in common? Well, you'd be surprised. 75 ye…
Of Ships and Sea Monsters: What's the Connection?
Of Ships and Sea Monsters: What's the Connection?
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 19 2017

Ships are the reason a lot of us live where we live today. Early world explorers and settlers travel…
Petroleum Product of the Week: Styrofoam
Petroleum Product of the Week: Styrofoam
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 16 2017

You hear the roar of a UPS truck and eagerly check the front porch. There they are, they're finally …
Petroleum Product of the Week
DeVilbiss Air Compressor Restoration
DeVilbiss Air Compressor Restoration
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 14 2017

The sound of an air compressor is part of my childhood. I grew up hearing the startup of the motor w…
Petroleum Product of the Week: CDs
Petroleum Product of the Week: CDs
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 09 2017

To this day, there are still certain bands that I will buy CDs for. Many people have switched to a 1…
Petroleum Product of the Week
From Reservoir to Rig: The Petroleum Exhibit for Future Professionals
From Reservoir to Rig: The Petroleum Exhibit for Future Professionals
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 07 2017

Over 35,000 petroleum engineers work in the United States each year. They work at drilling sites…
How the Staatliches Bauhaus Fused Art and Industrial Design
How the Staatliches Bauhaus Fused Art and Industrial Design
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 05 2017

"If today's arts love the machine, technology and organization, if they aspire to precision and reje…

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