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Who really invented the wheel? (And what took us so long?)
Who really invented the wheel? (And what took us so long?)
Petroleum Service Company on Aug 09 2016

As a nation, we've all grown way too accustomed to the presence of the wheel. Still, it makes s…
Petroleum Product of the Week: Chewing Gum
Petroleum Product of the Week: Chewing Gum
Petroleum Service Company on Aug 05 2016

Something to Chew On: Gum is everywhere it's sold at just about every location and can easily b…
Petroleum Product of the Week
Top 5 Iconic Rides from modern Hollywood Films and their Famous (or infamous) Drivers
Top 5 Iconic Rides from modern Hollywood Films and their Famous (or infamous) Drivers
Petroleum Service Company on Aug 03 2016

There's been a lot of cool movies, a lot of cool cars, and a lot of cool actors …
Pennsylvania once provided 1/3 of the world's oil. The result? 200,000 abandoned and explosive oil wells.
Pennsylvania once provided 1/3 of the world's oil. The result? 200,000 abandoned and explosive oil wells.
Petroleum Service Company on Aug 02 2016

In March of 1848, a Mormon merchant named Samuel Brannan confirmed the discovery of vast amounts of …
Petroleum Product of the Week: Plastic Bags
Petroleum Product of the Week: Plastic Bags
Petroleum Service Company on Jul 29 2016

There was once a drawer in your kitchen that served a higher purpose. It held forks, knives, an…
Petroleum Product of the Week
How old is crude oil? And where did it really come from?
How old is crude oil? And where did it really come from?
Petroleum Service Company on Jul 28 2016

Our world burns 3,570,000,000 gallons of crude oil per day. To put this in perspective, we can…
How Can a Heat Wave Affect Your Engine Oil?
How Can a Heat Wave Affect Your Engine Oil?
Petroleum Service Company on Jul 26 2016

Beat the heat before it beats you As heat waves once again sweep our nation—continually expandin…
Petroleum Product of the Week: Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum Product of the Week: Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum Service Company on Jul 22 2016

This may be a little obvious, but in case anyone was wondering, petroleum jelly is actually made …
Petroleum Product of the Week
Trash vs. Treasure: Creatively Reusing Plastic Bottles
Trash vs. Treasure: Creatively Reusing Plastic Bottles
Petroleum Service Company on Jul 20 2016

We all know the familiar idiom, One man's trash is another man's treasure.  The impl…

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