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Blast the Weeds Away: One Man's Approach to Organic Farming
Blast the Weeds Away: One Man's Approach to Organic Farming
Petroleum Service Company on Jan 18 2016

Agricultural Sandblasting in the Age of Recycling You might be asking yourself, what does recyc…
Premium at a Premium: Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Gasoline Grades
Premium at a Premium: Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Gasoline Grades
Petroleum Service Company on Jan 09 2016

  Oh, the misinformation... If you've got the nice ride and the extra bills to go with i…
The Inventor of Sandblasting was a Real, American Hero
The Inventor of Sandblasting was a Real, American Hero
Petroleum Service Company on Dec 28 2015

Whether it be George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Teddy Roosevelt, or Jim Thorpe, Americans have a…
A blind man drives a car for the first time
A blind man drives a car for the first time
Petroleum Service Company on Dec 26 2015

On a day to day basis, there are few things we take for granted more than our eyesight. It's d…
Josef Albers: The Man Who Made Sandblasting An Artform
Josef Albers: The Man Who Made Sandblasting An Artform
Petroleum Service Company on Dec 24 2015

Poet, painter, sculptor, teacher, theoretician ...sandblaster? Josef Albers was one of a kind.…
One really strange scene from the STAR WARS Saga
One really strange scene from the STAR WARS Saga
Petroleum Service Company on Dec 17 2015

Tonight, enemies from either side of the Force will yet again join hands to witness the continuation…
Trending: Laser Strikes on American Airplanes
Trending: Laser Strikes on American Airplanes
Petroleum Service Company on Dec 04 2015

FAA Officials declared earlier this week that lasers "struck" four airborne vehicles over Phoenix, A…
The Trouble With Tires -- A Brief History of Synthetic Rubber
The Trouble With Tires -- A Brief History of Synthetic Rubber
Petroleum Service Company on Nov 11 2015

Long before it was vulcanized, molded, driven 20,000 miles, and tossed carelessly in the backwoods, …
Stepping Into the Holographic Landscape: Volvo Joins Microsoft HoloLens in new Advertising Campaign
Stepping Into the Holographic Landscape: Volvo Joins Microsoft HoloLens in new Advertising Campaign
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 25 2015

The ever-innovative, creative minds behind Volvo have cemented —the premium European car —manufactur…

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