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Oil + Eyelashes = Maybelline?
Oil + Eyelashes = Maybelline?
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 27 2015

One might find it hard to correlate the relationship between oil fields and make-up products. In a b…
The Machine That Converts Plastic Into Oil
The Machine That Converts Plastic Into Oil
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 26 2015

For years, one Japanese man has been hard at work creating a machine that will convert one of our so…
Top 10 Ways That Shot Peening Improves Quality
Top 10 Ways That Shot Peening Improves Quality
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 24 2015

Shot peening is a great way to improve quality in your sandblasting application. It is used on metal…
SAE Updates Classification System to Include SAE 8 and SAE 12
SAE Updates Classification System to Include SAE 8 and SAE 12
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 23 2015

The Society of Automotive Engineers, better known as SAE, has published an update to their Engine Oi…
The World's Smallest Operational W-32 Engine
The World's Smallest Operational W-32 Engine
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 20 2015

Visit any automotive garage in the world and ask the mechanics there if they like to assemble engine…
The Slow Motion Oil Spill That You Can Help Stop
The Slow Motion Oil Spill That You Can Help Stop
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 19 2015

Almost every time you visit the gas station, it happens. In that split second between the pump shutt…
How Much Cheaper is Gas In Saudi Arabia?
How Much Cheaper is Gas In Saudi Arabia?
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 17 2015

If you think gas is cheap now, just imagine what it would be like to fill up your vehicle for $10 …
Shell Granted Permission to Export U.S.-Produced Crude
Shell Granted Permission to Export U.S.-Produced Crude
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 13 2015

According to a January 2015 —Wall Street Journal article, Shell has officially been granted permissi…
Why Oil Refineries Emit Fireballs
Why Oil Refineries Emit Fireballs
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 10 2015

A few days before Christmas 2014, the San Francisco Bay Area was shocked to find a fire lighting the…

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