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Pitch, and the World's Longest Active Science Experiment
Pitch, and the World's Longest Active Science Experiment
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 14 2015

You might find it hard to believe, but there is a science project that's been —ongoing since 1927 at…
3 Methods For Protecting and Preserving Spare Gearboxes
3 Methods For Protecting and Preserving Spare Gearboxes
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 07 2015

Proper care and storage of spare gearboxes is critically important for insuring gearbox reliability.…
Daimler's Self-Driving Truck Has a Successful First Trip
Daimler's Self-Driving Truck Has a Successful First Trip
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 05 2015

After successfully testing its self-driving freight truck on American roadways earlier this year, Da…
A Famous Photojournalist's Gulf War Experience
A Famous Photojournalist's Gulf War Experience
Petroleum Service Company on Sep 22 2015

In 1991, Saddam Hussein's forces were retreating from Kuwait during the first Gulf War. As part of a…
GIF Gallery: Factory Machines Making Things
GIF Gallery: Factory Machines Making Things
Petroleum Service Company on Sep 18 2015

At Petroleum Service Company, we supply the highest quality petroleum-based lubricants for all t…
VIDEO SERIES: How to Build a Sandblasting Machine
VIDEO SERIES: How to Build a Sandblasting Machine
Petroleum Service Company on Sep 10 2015

In the market for a sandblasting machine? Maybe you don't want to shell out a few thousand dollars u…
Anatomy of a Homemade Blast Machine
Anatomy of a Homemade Blast Machine
Petroleum Service Company on Sep 10 2015

Here at, we enjoy hearing stories from our customers about the jobs the…
Boeing 747 vs. SR-71 Blackbird vs. New Horizons Deep-Space Probe
Boeing 747 vs. SR-71 Blackbird vs. New Horizons Deep-Space Probe
Petroleum Service Company on Sep 01 2015

Commercial airliners are fast. A Boeing 747 can hit speeds of up to 550 mph. Spy jets like an SR-71 …
VIDEO SERIES: How to Assemble a Sandblasting Machine
VIDEO SERIES: How to Assemble a Sandblasting Machine
Petroleum Service Company on Aug 27 2015

In the market for a sandblasting machine? Maybe you're a do-it-yourselfer who enjoys seeing how thin…

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