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Blast Away Plaque: Air Polishers, Sandblasters of the Dental World
Blast Away Plaque: Air Polishers, Sandblasters of the Dental World
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 15 2016

If you're familiar with sandblasting, you have probably already realized its incredible potential as…
Fuel as Food? It seems that not all oils are created equal.
Fuel as Food? It seems that not all oils are created equal.
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 09 2016

Rarely do the sentiments of YouTube commenters so uniformly align. Refrained variations of the same…
The Art of Oil: Turning Petroleum into a New Medium
The Art of Oil: Turning Petroleum into a New Medium
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 09 2016

Oil Paintings What comes to mind when you hear of or think of oil paintings? Da Vinci? …
Petrochemicals: Clearing the Name of Petroleum One Product at a Time
Petrochemicals: Clearing the Name of Petroleum One Product at a Time
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 06 2016

Planet Earth runs on Petrol It's no exaggeration to say that the world runs on petroleum and n…
How Airports are Going to the Dogs (and the Whole Dang Farm)
How Airports are Going to the Dogs (and the Whole Dang Farm)
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 04 2016

There probably aren't too many people who say that their favorite part of travelling is being at the…
The world's largest wind turbine will have blades the size of the Trump Tower...
Petroleum Service Company on Feb 01 2016

As surely as the wind blows, we all knew it was only a matter of time before the United States inves…
Black Oil: How THE X-FILES Made Petroleum Spooky
Black Oil: How THE X-FILES Made Petroleum Spooky
Petroleum Service Company on Jan 26 2016

"Are you familiar with the so-called X-Files?" Gillian Anderson & David Duchovny in Sunday's episo…
Trending: Aircraft Capsule Intends to Increase Aviation Safety
Trending: Aircraft Capsule Intends to Increase Aviation Safety
Petroleum Service Company on Jan 22 2016

Is a detachable cabin a detachment from reality? Throughout the past week or so, social media pl…
The Actual Barrel -- The Great Misunderstanding of Oil Transportation
The Actual Barrel -- The Great Misunderstanding of Oil Transportation
Petroleum Service Company on Jan 20 2016

So. Oil has dipped below the cost of a steel drum. It has dipped below the cost of an expensive stea…

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